Sunday, August 25, 2013

So, with moving the store and a brand new baby I have not had a chance to post a whole lot. But here are some of the completed regiments that I have. All are early war American Civil War.

First up is the 1st Rhode Island Volunteers Infantry Regiment. Commanded by Col. Burnside, They went to war in blue pullover smocks. I still have to buy the miniatures for the 2nd Regiment, but it will be good to have them done. I was not happy with the flags that I bought. I think that I will make them next time.

Next is a regiment from New Orleans
It is the 7th Louisiana. I read that some of them went to war in mouse colored zouave uniforms
Above is the competed and flagged 7th Tennessee from Lebanon, TN.
And finally, I have the 5th Louisiana. I'll be adding more companies later but here are the first few.
I really like the pre-war and first year of the war for painting. All the militia uniforms are different and everyone was pulled into regiments making them very colorful. Anyway, that's it for now got to go and take care of the baby.